Non-Alc Mandarin Americano

Non-Alcoholic Mandarin Americano Recipe
You don't need booze to get a buzz. There are other glorious things to help you through the day like huffing paint and holding your breath until you get dizzy and pass out. If you are trying to cut down on the devil's nectar, and still wish to enjoy a classic concoction, try this non-alc version of a classic Americano - featuring the very crowd-pleasing Very Mandarin Lo-Cal Soda.

Very Mandarin Lo-Cal Soda

30ml Lyres Aperitif Rosso Non-Alcoholic Spirit

Lyres Italian Orange Non-Alcoholic Spirit

10ml Lyres Italian Spritz Non-Alcoholic Spirit

Blood Orange Tipple Topper

Add all of your spirits into a tall glass - Aperetif Rosso, Italain Orange and Italian Spritz.
Add ice to the brim.
Top with Very Mandarin Lo-Cal Soda and garnish with the Blood Orange Tipple Topper.
Endeavour to announce to each individual at the party, about how superior you are to them for abstaining from alcohol. People love to hear that.