Yuzu Sake Cocktail

Yuzu Sake Cocktail Recipe
Japan. The home of the Yuzu hybrid citrus fruit and used underpants dispensed from vending machines. Underpants taste awful infused into a soda, so we decided to use the Yuzu's instead. For a combination more Japanese than a sumo eating his own body weight in Ramen, pair Japan's finest Toji Sake made with Koshi-Tanrei rice and a mild apple aroma with our crowd pleasing Yuzu from Japan Lo-Cal Soda, for a Yuzu cocktail to rule them all.
Chill all of these magical ingredients down.
Add Sake to a highball glass.
Then ice and top with the Yuzu Lo-Cal Soda.
Garnish with the aromatic Salted Lime Tipple Topper.
Arigato gozaimasu!