The Dirty Olive G&T

The Dirty Olive G&T Cocktail Recipe
The dirty olive may sound like an exotic act between two consenting adults in a late night SBS foreign film, but it's actually an earthy, herbaceous pairing between Four Pillars Olive Leaf Gin and our boldly audacious one-of-a-kind 'dirty' tonic water crafted with raw unrefined cinchona bark. These two experimental misfits coming together results in this one very very happy ending.

30ml Olive Leaf Gin

StrangeLove Dirty Tonic Water

Smoked Pear Tipple Topper Garnish
Salvage the most 'boujee' glass from your local op-shop - to make yourself seem more interesting than you actually are when posting the finished product on Instagram.
Cool down all of your ingredients, the glass, the mixer, the gin, the ice. Yes, especially the ice.
Gently build your ingredients one by one into your glass. Use a gentle pour with the tonic, carbonation is your friend.
Garnish with a Smoked Pear Tipple Topper.
Post onto social media, for the dopamine hit of one like and a comment from your mum 'looks delicious sweetheart!'