StrangeLove Classic G&T

StrangeLove Classic G&T - StrangeLove Beverage Co

StrangeLove Classic G&T Cocktail Recipe


Not all G&T's hit the same. The slightest variances in tonic water choice, garnish and botanicals infused within the gin are going to produce incredibly diverse drinks. This is our take on the ultimate, classic G&T. When four Pillars flagship Rare Dry Gin meets our flagship Tonic No.8, it's as classic a love story as Romeo and Juliet, but without, you know...all the teen death.


30ml Classic Dry Gin

Tonic No.8

Blood Orange Tipple Topper




Chill down all of your ingredients, the gin, your tonic, the glass, the ice. Yes, especially the ice.


Gently build your ingredients one by one into the glass, first the ice. Then the gin.


A little known touch to craft the ideal G&T is far simpler than you may suspect: soft hands. Protect the bubble at all costs - ensure you pour slowly to preserve that precious carbonation.. Carbonation = flavour.


Garnish with your Blood Orange Tipple Topper and enjoy in quiet solitude. As once word gets out about this perfectly crafted G&T, every jerk in the neighbourhood will be knocking down your door for one.

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Tonic No. 8 (Indian Tonic Water) 180ml x 24

Tonic No. 8 (Indian Tonic Water) 180ml x 24

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