Imperial Buck

Rum, pineapple juice, and hot ginger beer unite to kick every other drink off it's pedestal. This firey tropical take on a rum based beverage is if a Dark n' Stormy went on holiday, got a bunch of braids, wore counterfeit Gucci sunglasses, abused wait staff in a foreign country for not speaking enough english and experienced third degree sunburn.

60ml Triple Molasses Dark Rum

Top with Hot Ginger Beer

30ml Pineapple juice

15ml Lime juice

5ml Sugar syrup

Spiced Pineapple Tipple Topper

Build ingredients one by one into your favourite highball glass. Or a highball glass you don't really like. Either will work.
Ice, followed by rum, then the lime and pineapple juices.
Garnish with the spiced pineapple tipple topper. If you are feeling particularly adventurous, char the edges of the garnish to make it look like you put in more effort than you actually did.